At Peterborough Fengate, you’ll find a wide range of affordable car brands and models, mostly stocking 5 door family cars, ranging from hatchbacks, SUVs, estates and much more.
Our Peterborough Fengate dealership is our newest dealership yet and can be found just off the A1139 where you’ll be greeted by an extensive selection of cars when you arrive. Our friendly Sales Executives will be able there at your beck and call to help you find your next dream car. Did we also mention we offer free beverages?
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** plus VAT where applicable
At Peterborough Fengate, you’ll find a wide range of affordable car brands and models, mostly stocking 5 door family cars, ranging from hatchbacks, SUVs, estates and much more.
Our Peterborough Fengate dealership is our newest dealership yet and can be found just off the A1139 where you’ll be greeted by an extensive selection of cars when you arrive. Our friendly Sales Executives will be able there at your beck and call to help you find your next dream car. Did we also mention we offer free beverages?