Young drivers

Advice if you're worried about a younger driver

Per mile driven, a young male driver is five times more likely to have an accident than his father

If your child's learning to drive or is newly qualified here's what you need to know to help make their early years on the road safe and accident-free.

  • Most young drivers are safe. Only a significant minority (about a third) could be considered unsafe drivers
  • It’s not always about experience – deliberate bad driving aimed at impressing friends or gaining a thrill through risk taking is also a problem
  • Young drivers are particularly at risk in the early hours of the morning – per mile driven, a young male driver is five times more likely to have an accident than his father.
  • The accident risk for young male drivers in the early evening is much lower, suggesting that the problem is how they drive at night rather than inexperience at driving in the dark.

Test drives tips

The show-off and risk-taker

Young people, men particularly, like to show off when driving which means that they are generally less safe when they have friends in the car.

Both sexes show off more to young male passengers than to young women and some find it 'cool' not to wear a seat belt even though this cuts the chance of being killed in a crash by a half.

Drink, drugs, and high spirits
  • All add up to make young drivers take risks.
  • Any is dangerous alone whilst the combination is the main explanation for the high risk of accidents late at night
'Egging-on' adds to the problem
  • Passengers who've also been drinking and having fun can pressure drivers into taking risks they wouldn't normally take
  • The risk to passengers is every bit as large, and drivers have to fight hard not to conform
Avoiding trouble

It’s not easy to spot a potentially bad young driver.

  • Many youngsters can be characterised as 'the show-off type' but some quiet, unassuming people can change behind the wheel as driving provides a whole new way to find popularity
  • Drivers who have been drinking, or taking drugs are a particular danger of course
If you're worried, don't get in – or ask to get out
  • If you don't think a driver is going to be safe, perhaps because he’s been drinking, then don't get into the car
  • And, if his driving is poor or is scaring you, ask to get out
  • This can be enough to make a driver change the way he drives
Country roads aren't safe roads

A lot of showing off and risk taking happens on country roads leading to many head-on crashes, and crashes into trees. Both are often fatal.

There has to be a first time

A new driver has to take a passenger of his or her own age for the first time at some time.

  • Driving instruction doesn't prepare you for chatting and driving so passengers can help by being quiet and not encouraging the driver to drive in a way he or she doesn't want to
  • Build up, starting with one responsible friend before carrying multiple passengers
Mum and Dad's 'rescue service'

Many youngsters will face a choice at times between the wrath of their parents or driving home drunk or getting a lift with a bad or drunk driver.

  • An agreement to 'rescue' a young driver, 'no questions asked' removes the temptation to drive home or be driven home drunk
Young drivers at risk

In July 2012, Nigel Mansell helped launch a joint AA Charitable Trust and Make Roads Safe report into young driver safety which highlights the dangers new and young drivers face on the roads, both at home and abroad, and shows ways their safety can be improved.


11 March 2019

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