
Help and advice if you're made redundant

The following information is relevant to AA Personal Loans or AA Savings products provided by Bank of Ireland UK. Any references to 'we', 'us' or 'our' refer to Bank of Ireland UK.

How we can help

The prospect of redundancy can be daunting, particularly if your finances are likely to be affected. But there are steps you can take to help you manage any potential difficulties.

First things first

It's important not to panic or to put things off. Finding answers to questions will help you make practical plans:

Are you entitled to redundancy pay? How much will this be? How long will it last?
What benefits are you entitled to?

You may be eligible for Jobseeker's Allowance. You can check if you're eligible online or at your local Jobscentre. Claims can take a while to process, even if you expect to find work, so apply immediately.

Do you have insurance cover? Will this help you meet debt repayments while you are out of work? Are you entitled to a refund of tax due to your current circumstances? If you have a pension, what options do you have?

When you have the information you need, start working out a new budget. There is information about budget calculators in our Managing your money page.

Make paying essential bills, any mortgage and any other debts a priority. We're here to help, go to our contact us page to find out who you can speak to. You can also get free support from the agencies listed below under 'useful contacts'.

Things to think about

  • Don't ignore the problem.
  • Check your redundancy rights.
  • See what benefits you are entitled to.
  • Take time to plan a new budget.
  • Plan ahead – look at savings, investments and pension plans.
  • Consider reviewing your mortgage and other debts if necessary.
  • Talk to us about your circumstances.
  • Consider your employment options and how can you get back into work.
  • Ask for help if you need it.

Getting back to work

Although being made redundant can be a shock, you should act quickly to make sure you:

  • Get back out into the job market as soon as possible and that you start receiving the benefits you're entitled to.
  • Go for a New Jobseeker interview at your local Jobcentre.
  • Refresh your CV and look for work online, in newspapers and magazines, through employment agencies and through contacts you already have.
  • You can claim Jobseeker's Allowance if you're unemployed and actively seeking work or working less than 16 hours per week.

Useful contacts

  • Citizens Advice
    Citizens Advice offer free confidential information and financial advice. Advice is offered in your local centre, by phone or online.

  • Step Change Debt Charity
    Step Change offers free impartial debt advice.

  • Department of Work and Pensions
    The DWP is responsible for welfare and pensions.

  • Government benefits
    Help for all benefits that may be available to you.

  • MoneyHelper
    MoneyHelper offers advice to help improve your finances, and provides tools and calculators to keep track and plan ahead. It can offer support in person, over the phone and online.

  • His Majesty's Revenue & Customs (HMRC)
    Being made redundant may affect how much tax you need to pay. You should also check if you're owed a refund, as you might have paid too much tax while you were working.

Get in touch

Loans customer services 0345 266 0124
Loans collections and arrears 0800 032 8180
Savings (ISA) 0333 220 5069
Savings (non-ISA) 0345 266 0001