contact us for emergencies


Find the right contact options for your emergency.

UK breakdown

Report online

If you're already a member, it's the quickest way to let us know about the problem.

Report a breakdown

Call to report

03330 046 046

Open 24/7
Landline calls cost standard UK rate. Calls from mobiles vary.

Track your patrol 

From the app after reporting a breakdown, or through the link in the text message we send to confirm help is on the way.

If you have any questions about tracking your patrol, chat to us online.

Chat to us

European breakdown

Call to report

0044 (0)121 336 6289

Open 24/7

If you're not already with us you can get a quote for one-off breakdown assistance. It will usually cost more than our regular cover and will be for one call-out only.

Alternative phone numbers

If you're having difficulty using our main European breakdown number, try these alternatives:

From a French landline:

0825 098 876 or 0472 171 200

If you've broken down on a motorway in France, you need to call the police on 112 first so they can move you to a safe location.

From a UK mobile or other EU country landlines:

00 3382 509 8876 or 00 3347 217 1200

An accident

Report online

If you're a member or car insurance customer, we'll take care of everything, from vehicle recovery to making a claim – whoever you're insured with.

Report an accident

Call to report

0330 053 0221

Open 24/7
Landline calls cost standard UK rate. Calls from mobiles vary.
Lost keys

Call Key Assist

We’ll cut replacement or spare keys if yours are broken, faulty, lost or stolen – whether you're a member or not.

0330 0530 407

Open every day 7am to 10pm

Landline calls cost standard UK rate. Calls from mobiles vary.

Gold members with key insurance

Remember, only keys attached to a unique AA key fob that's been active for 14 days are covered.

0345 303 4023

Open 24/7
Landline calls cost standard UK rate. Calls from mobiles vary.
Wrong fuel in vehicle

Call Fuel Assist

Don't start your vehicle – it could cause more damage. Call us and our fuel drain service can get you up and running again.

0800 072 7420

Open 24/7
Calls are free of charge.
Home emergency

Home Emergency Cover (HEC) helpline

If you have our Home Emergency Cover optional extra.

0330 053 0394

Open 24/7

Calls are free of charge.

Home Emergency Response (HER) helpline

For Home Insurance Plus customers

0800 316 3983

Open 24/7
Calls are free of charge.

Yellow box desktop app promo contact us
Yellow box mobile app promo contact us

It's OK when you've got the AA app in your pocket

  • Report a breakdown quickly and track when your patrol will arrive
  • Report a claim with Accident Assist – whoever you're insured by
  • See your cover and membership details at a glance
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