Renew your breakdown cover

Time to renew your cover?

Discuss your cover online or call us if it's urgent

All you need to do is:

  • Have your AA membership number to hand.
  • Call us on 0343 316 4444 or 0161 332 1789
  • Tell us if you want to make any changes to your breakdown cover, or upgrade (we can revise your quote there and then).
  • Tell us if you're happy to renew by phone each year. If it's easier, we can swap you to a continuous payment that renews your cover automatically.
  • Once you're happy with everything, we can renew your cover there and then.

Want to change or cancel your policy? You'll still get a renewal invitation, so you'll have plenty of time.

Manage your membership

Don't forget: as a renewing Member, you're entitled to exclusive benefits and breakdown upgrades.

Sign up to your account to see your policy and its renewal status.

Already with us?

Ask a question, get advice, and more special perks.

Call now to renew your cover

0343 316 4444

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