Learn to drive in Builth Wells

Driving lessons in Builth Wells from one of the most trusted schools in the UK.

Quality instruction

Whenever you step into an AA Driving School car in Builth Wells it means you can be safe in the knowledge that you are learning from an expert driving instructor who's perfectly positioned to improve your driving ability.

Top notch pass rates

Our first-time pass rate is 13% higher than the national average. That's all thanks to our team of expert instructors who are here to guide you every step of the way. Learn with the AA and you'll be on the roads in Builth Wells in no time.

One of the UK's biggest and best

On average, 40 hours. That's all the time our expert AA driving instructors need to get you test ready. Let us teach you and well have you feeling good about driving and safely cruising around Builth Wells in a jiffy.

Your guide to learning to drive in Builth Wells

Your guide to learning to drive in Builth Wells

Test centre locations near Builth Wells

There is 1 theory test centres in the Builth Wells area.

Builth Wells (Theory Test Centre)

Theory test centre

Pass rate: 49%

Spar Buildings, The Strand Groe Street, Builth Wells, LD2 3BL

Test centre pass rates around Builth Wells

Test centre pass rates can vary depending on location and your nearest may not be the ideal one for you. Take a look at how local test centres in Builth Wells stack up in our handy chart. Builth Wellss test routes have all the challenges you could think of, with busy roundabouts and some narrow roads. Dont worry too much though, as your AA driving instructor knows exactly how to fully prepare you for everything youll encounter on the big day. We'll make sure youre ready to rock and roll! Get ready to cruise to victory.

Builth Wells (Theory Test Centre)


Trusted by students in Builth Wells and across the whole of the UK

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Driving Lessons in Builth Wells