"Can you see my house from up there?"


"I was recently sent on a job that I’d never come across before, which was to bring a member back down to earth – literally. Lorraine Whitehead at our call centre called and she told me that the member was up in a cherry picker fixing a phone cable. Unfortunately, while he was up there the battery on his van went flat and he was left suspended 30 feet in the air in freezing temperatures. And there was snow on the way.

"When I got there the weather was going from bad to worse, so I told the member that I’d have him back down on solid ground as quickly as I could. Within a few minutes I had jump-started his van and kept the engine ticking over while the member operated the cherry picker and brought himself back down. I could see that he was freezing, so I gave him a hot cup of tea from my flask. I then asked him jokingly if he had a good view from up there, which also made him smile."

Sean Walsh, AA Patrol

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