Saving Links on Social Network Sites

If you've seen some car advice on our site that you're interested in, you can now save links to the pages using your accounts on social networking sites, such as 'facebook' or ''.

Perhaps you've seen some useful breakdown advice, such as our podcasts on how to change a tyre or your wiper blades. Or maybe you just want to share some information with friends. or facebook

If you have space on a social network site, you can bookmark pages you fancy using your account. This will save you having to search for useful information again.

It's handier than using browser bookmarks, because you can save and categorise your personal set of bookmarks. More importantly, you'll be able to access them from any computer or share them with friends.

How to bookmark

Just look out for the set of bookmark links entitled 'Save this link on...' near the bottom of advice and routes pages. If you're not logged in to your social-network account, click the relevant link and it will take you to the log-in screen. Once you've logged in, your account will automatically be updated.

Want to know more? You can read more about social bookmarking on Wikipedia.