£18955 | Ford S-Max 2.0 EcoBlue Titanium Auto Euro 6 (s/s) 5dr

Ford Ford S-Max Ford Ford S-Max Ford Ford S-Max Ford Ford S-Max Ford Ford S-Max Ford Ford S-Max Ford Ford S-Max Ford Ford S-Max Ford Ford S-Max Ford Ford S-Max Ford Ford S-Max
Make: Ford
Model: S-Max
Variant: 2.0 EcoBlue Titanium Auto Euro 6 (s/s) 5dr
Bodytype: MPV
Colour: White
Fueltype: Diesel
Regyear: 2021
Mileage: 55,019

History check summary for registration number: DX21MXM

  • Not recorded as stolen
  • No third-party trace
  • Not an insurance write-off
  • 0 previous keepers
  • No plate changes
  • No colour changes
  • Mileage data available

    Source Date Mileage
    BVRLA 18/03/2024 53641
    RMI MIL'GE 06/03/2024 53641
    BVRLA 21/08/2023 44344
    RMI MIL'GE 16/08/2023 44344
    BVRLA 19/07/2023 43024
    RMI MIL'GE 19/07/2023 43024
    BVRLA 09/11/2022 31323
    RMI MIL'GE 08/11/2022 31323
    BVRLA 26/10/2022 31275
    RMI MIL'GE 26/10/2022 31275

    The mileage entry showing is the most recent available.

Data for this history check supplied: 24/05/2024 at 04:24


There are currently no details about this vehicle available.